Privacy policy
As GO! Denmark is operated by our partner Jetpak Danmark A/S , the following information apply to Jetpak Danmark A/S and for GO! Denmark as well.
Information to our customers regarding the General Data Protection Regulation in Jetpak Danmark A/S
The General Data Protection Regulation enters into force on May 25 2018.
Jetpak Danmark A/S is now ensuring that the data we receive is processed and stored in accordance with legislation. This in relation to the new legal practice and in relation to the requirement for increased documentation.
Jetpak Danmark A/S consider ourselves as an independent data controller in relation to our customers, as delivering a shipment is not a data processing task, even though personal data can be included in the shipping information (interpretation of Datatilsynet).
This means that our customers, who transmit data to us, can be certain that we comply with the law and the stringent requirements for data controllers. Based on this, there is no need for any data processing agreement when shipping parcels with Jetpak Danmark A/S .
All data relating to our customers' shipments is the highest priority of Jetpak Danmark A/S and we only store this data as long as documentation requirements and legislation permit this.