Fact Sheet

GO! Express & Logistics is a transport and logistics company that is beyond limits. Even medium-sized companies, we approach all tasks related to the express delivery of parcels with great understanding. In this way, our network has developed into the largest group-independent express and courier service provider in Europe.

Fact Sheet


General Overnight Express & Logistics
(Austria) GmbH

Corporate Head Office / Address Details:

Teinfaltstrasse 9, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 2243 277 00; Fax: +43 2243 277 00-998
Internet: general-overnight.com/at
Email: austria@general-overnight.com
Free service connection to personal contact: 0800 / 859 99 99

> 10 mio. shipments in 2023

> 100 GO! stations in Europe

> 1,400 employees

>1,700 drivers and couriers

on daily assignments

> 350 routes

ich supply the area-wide network at night

> 8 own national subsidiaries

in Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Luxembourg, Austria, Poland, the Czech Republic as well as Slovakia and Switzerland

> 6 cooperation partners

in other neighbouring countries, including Belgium, England, France, Italy, Slovenia and Hungary.

220 countries

Express delivery of parcels worldwide, served by an international partner network

central HUB

Niederaula / Hesse

30,000 m² site
more than 7,600 m² of production and ware-housing space
127 loading bays
1,637-metre conveyor belt system
night-time sorting capacity of 10,500 parcels per hour

Bonn, Frankfurt a. M., Gera, Hamburg, Hanover, Heilbronn, Linz (Austria), Ulm

Our service categories

GO! Express

Overnight and Worldwide

GO! Courier:

Flexible direct connections

GO! Solutions:

sophisticated logistics solutions

Value Added Services

Individual additional services for all product groups

Industry-specific logistics:

Solutions for industry-specific requirements:  

  • GO! Healthcare
  • GO! Hightech
  • GO! Fashion & Lifestyle
  • GO! Media & Trade
  • GO! Automotive


Bundesverband Paket und Expresslogistik e. V. (BIEK),
Bundesvereinigung Logistk (BVL)


1. GO! Express & Logistics Europe GmbH
2. GO! Express & Logistics Süd GmbH (Hadolt Group)
3. GO! Express & Logistics GmbH (Claus and Nadine Wensauer)

more than 140, more than 100 couriers on daily assignments




more than 1,200

Regio-HUB / Stations:

1 Regio-HUB in Linz, 8 stations in Bregenz, Graz, Innsbruck, Klagenfurt, Linz, Salzburg, St. Pölten, Vienna