Special shipping requirements demand extraordinary logistics solutions


You have goods to ship whose dimensions are out of the ordinary? You don't have time to attend submission appointments and would like someone to do it for you? Or do you want to secure important documents that meet deadlines with more than just an acknowledgement of receipt? At GO! we offer you a broad product portfolio for special mailing requirements - from Freight Service to Submission Service, House Mail / P.O. Box Service to Recorded Delivery.

The right solution for every supply chain

Is everything not running smoothly along your supply chain? Then you should take a closer look at our GO! supply chain solutions - and secure yourself valuable competitive advantages. Because more efficient processes pay off.

GO! Freight service

GO! Submission service

GO! Legally secured delivery

GO! In-house post serive / PO Box emptying service

Optimizing your supply chain

GO! Roll-out / Roll-back service
GO! High-availability logistics
GO! Warehousing service
GO! Technical courier