Corporate Social Responsibility

Without logistics providers like GO!, a closely meshed economy and ensuring the availability of goods would be inconceivable. Our responsibility and commitment to viable logistics solutions are correspondingly great. We are committed to achieving a balance between economic business operations and ecological management.

Our maxims

Our sustainability standards are firmly entrenched in our corporate philosophy and extend along our entire business and value chain.

GO! maxims are articulated in guiding principles, which all staff proactively put into practice and which enable us to provide our customers with optimum support.

We are certified

System-wide, we have successfully implemented an integrated management system with environmental management in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14001:2015 and quality management in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.

We have thus successfully implemented an important measure as part of our long-term sustainable corporate strategy.

Our staff

Flat hierarchies, short decision-making channels and high levels of individual responsibility characterise our day-to-day work routines. We encourage our staff to get actively involved by contributing ideas.

We have always helped our staff to develop personally and professionally and offer a wide range of career advancement opportunities. Internal and external training and continuing education opportunities ensure that our staff possess the requisite expertise across the board.

We train people in various professions. In this regard we attach importance to integrating trainees into the GO! system right from the start, by providing opportunities throughout our system. Seals of approval like kununu’s “Top Company“ and “Open Company” as well as many other accolades that include an excellent recommendation rate are an acknowledgement of the high degree of staff satisfaction at GO!

Our couriers

Our couriers are an indispensable component of our service promise and of our quality standards. In addition to secure employment as well as fair, on-time remuneration, we offer job variety and working time flexibility. Furthermore, we foster the career development and occupational safety of our couriers through regular training and continuing education opportunities. From road safety to dangerous goods: our couriers are up to date in terms of knowledge and skills and keep pace with increasing demands in the industry.

Bruno S., Hamburg:

"In 2001, I started as a self-employed courier driver at GO! in Hamburg. I love being on the road every day in my Nissan E-Mobil in Hamburg's city centre and enjoy the personal contact with my colleagues and the customers I meet every day."

Our commitment

It is important to us to be able to make a contribution to the society in which we are a successful company and to provide support to those who are less fortunate in life. Out of a sense of social responsibility, we are involved in numerous social projects, both financially and actively on-site. These range from support for non-profit projects and associations to charity events and sports sponsorships.

In keeping with our decentralised organisation, we support local communities. In Hamburg, for example, we we have been supporting the Sternenbrücke children’s hospice for many years. We are also personally involved in numerous other social projects with a regional focus. For example, many employees have registered as potential stem cell donors in the German Bone Marrow Donor Center (DKMS) database, have helped out at the Die Arche and have supported the food banks in Kiel and Lübeck.

Safety and security

Safety and security are firmly entrenched in our organisation. Enhancing both these aspects is a key component of our processes and applies equally to GO! stations, goods in transit, data and staff, and they are regularly reviewed through internal audits. We protect the property of our customers by treating it with maximum sensitivity and care.

The protection of personal data and handling such data in confidence is obligatory. We treat customer and consignee data, which is supplied to us, with maximum care and in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation.

The health of our staff constitutes the backbone of our group of companies. We are continuously improving occupational health and safety to ensure our staff stay healthy. These efforts include regular training, inspections and audits. These measures are complemented by the company’s health management programme and local prevention initiatives.

Our compliance guidelines

GO! does not tolerate either corruption or breaches of competition law. Our dealings are transparent and we act in an honest, considered and responsible manner. Everybody is called on to put this proactively into practice in the context of their area of responsibility. Bribes and cartel agreements are not the methods employed at GO! to obtain orders and contracts.


Here you can find our Code of Conduct.

Our environmental policy

GO! Express & Logistics Deutschland GmbH has set itself the goal of pursuing a sustainable environmental policy. We see environmental protection as a corporate task and are committed to the careful use of natural resources and the reduction of harmful influences on the environment.
environment. Our environmental awareness is reflected in our corporate thinking and actions.

The relevant legal and official requirements serve as the basis for our actions in environmental protection. Taking into account technical and economic feasibility, we regard the environmentally relevant laws and regulations as minimum requirements and try to take measures beyond them.

We strive for improvement. In this context, the environmental goals are regularly checked for their fulfilment, continuously evaluated and adjusted if necessary. At the same time, we set ourselves the goal of continuously improving the environmental management system.

In this regard we pay particular attention to the smart management of logistics flows: our routes are continuously reviewed and adjusted if necessary. Three additional regional HUBs have been established since 2017 alone. We are reducing route network kilometres per parcel by using our seven regional sorting centres and through optimum capacity utilisation of our regular service vehicles, which also travel between locations making direct deliveries.

We are supplementing our fleet by adding sustainable, alternatively powered vehicles. We are increasingly deploying cargo-carrying bicycles and electric vehicles, especially in urban environments. We are also regularly involved in pilot projects, such as the City of Kassel’s current open-air experiment, in order to help reduce CO2 emissions and roadway noise pollution in inner city areas, for example. What matters to us above all in this regard – in addition to having a directly positive impact on the environment – is gaining experience and sharing it with providers of alternative drive trains, municipalities, with customers and consumers and with other representatives of the logistics industry, in order to exploit further potential for achieving climate goals.

As far as the delivery process is concerned, we are reducing the burden on the environment by offering complementary delivery options, e.g. individual agreements for substitute services, pooling of deliveries and pick-ups, as well as permanently reviewing and optimising routes and reducing avoidable traffic. Consignees are notified about deliveries in order to avoid multiple delivery attempts.

Furthermore, we ensure climate-neutral production of printed matter, such as promotional material and business stationery and are driving eco-friendly design forward at our locations by using electricity and gas as fuels, solar power and energy-saving LED technology.

All the activities described above can be categorised as our social contribution to sustainable enterprise management. An environmental management system according to DIN EN ISO 14001 is implemented system-wide.

Company policy for the occupational health and safety management system

At GO! Express & Logistics Deutschland GmbH, we take the safety and well-being of our employees and all persons affected by our products and services extremely seriously. As part of our commitment to a high standard of health and safety, we have developed this company policy for our health and safety management system:

1. Commitment to health and safety

Top management is committed to ensuring a safe and healthy working environment for all employees. This includes the identification and assessment of workplace hazards and the implementation of risk reduction measures

2. Compliance with legal regulations and standards

We strictly adhere to all relevant legal regulations and standards in the area of occupational health and safety. In addition, we strive for continuous improvement in order to go beyond legal requirements and implement best practices in occupational health and safety.

3. Continuous improvement

We are committed to the continuous improvement of our occupational health and safety management system. This includes regularly reviewing and updating our procedures to ensure that they meet current needs and best practices.

4. Training and awareness

We offer our employees regular training courses and training opportunities in the area of occupational health and safety. We also promote awareness of occupational health and safety issues through regular communication and employee involvement.

5. Risk management and emergency planning

We identify potential hazards and risks in the workplace and develop appropriate emergency plans so that we can react appropriately in the event of an accident or crisis. Our employees are trained to act quickly and effectively in the event of an emergency.

6. Involvement of all stakeholders

We recognize the importance of involving all stakeholders, including employees, managers, suppliers and contractors, in our health and safety management system. We encourage open communication and collaboration to ensure that health and safety priorities and objectives are achieved

7. Responsibility and accountability

Every manager and employee is responsible for complying with this company policy and actively participating in the occupational health and safety management system. We value transparency and accountability at all levels of our company.

This Occupational Health and Safety Management System Policy serves as the foundation for our efforts to create and maintain a safe and healthy work environment. We strive to continuously learn, improve and innovate to meet and exceed our health and safety goals.

Last, but not least: certified quality

We continuously audit and improve the quality we provide. The GO! quality management system is DIN EN ISO 9001:2015-certified. The audit includes all the company’s processes and is the foundation on which the provision of our transport services is based. In addition, we comply with Good Distribution Practice (GDP) of medicinal products for human use guidelines. We have certified our compliance with GDP in writing.