Send tender documents.
GO! Submission Service


With GO!, time-consuming submissions are a thing of the past. We not only ensure that your tender documents are delivered on time.

If you wish, we can also take part directly in the tender, prepare a transcript of all the bids read out and send you the recorded results immediately.

We will be happy to advise you personally on all general conditions such as powers of attorney or comparable documents, agree in detail in advance on participation in the submission, book a scheduled delivery for you.

Your advantages

  • Advice on the selection of the appropriate mode of transport, in terms of taking into account the size of the possible order volume.
  • Highest adherence to deadlines in a high-performance express network to meet delivery deadlines
  • Standardised processing and trained couriers for absolute reliability
  • Prompt feedback: Information on the tender result (all tenders read out) within one hour after the end of the reading, transmission of the original minutes as required.
  • Concentrate on your core business: no lengthy absences of field staff and other employees, thus also eliminating expenses and travel costs

You would like to submit tender documents without GO! participating in the submission? Then inform us in advance about the particularly time-critical shipment and simply book an order with a deadline option, taking into account appropriate buffer times. We will be happy to advise you on the optimal implementation of your individual requirements.