GO! attains system-wide environmental certification
The environmental management of the network of GO! Express & Logistics fulfils the DIN EN ISO 14001:2015 standard.

Success: GO! Express & Logistics has been awarded system-wide certification in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14001:2015. Initially, only the system headquarters and sorting centre, and subsequently the regional HUBs, had gained certification. With its new, comprehensive certification status, the express and courier service provider has achieved an important milestone in implementing its long-term sustainability strategy.
Unified standard for a heterogeneous system
All company processes and activities were reviewed with regard to their environmental effects and how these can be addressed in terms of environmental protection. ‘Our heterogeneous corporate structure posed a number of challenges, as our processes had to be implemented in such a way that the general, company-wide conditions could also be realised at the regional level,’ explains Kevin Trützler, Head of QEHS (Quality, Environment, Health & Safety) at the system headquarters in Bonn. This was ultimately achieved in the form of a target-oriented and flexible environmental programme that takes both global and regional environmental aspects into account and calls for precisely fitting measures for improving environmental performance.
Requirements such as the gathering of environmental indicators for energy consumption were brought together through the cooperation of the network partners. GO! employees received theoretical and practical training in the management system as well as in applicable legal regulations and the use of a necessary software program.
Patience is still called for, particularly with regard to the implementation of technical measures such as the installation of wallboxes, photovoltaic systems, adequate energy infrastructure and suitable electric vehicles, where difficulties in supply and delivery from energy providers and automobile manufacturers must be overcome. GO! is not taking a passive stance, however, because environmental protection works best when everyone in the company plays a role. From increased energy efficiency to the use of artificial intelligence in route planning, it’s the combination of measures that makes the difference. Praising the shared effort, Trützler says: ‘All of the challenges were tackled very professionally – with the result not just that we’re successfully certified, but that we’ve further increased our awareness of sustainable action.’ After all, acting sustainably doesn’t only mean promoting environmental protection, but also acting economically in order to safeguard the company and the jobs it provides.
‘The newly obtained certificate makes clear that the DIN standard has been fulfilled in all aspects,’ Trützler adds. He and his team have an intensive phase of preparation and auditing behind them in which they had to familiarise all stations with the requirements and further sensitise them to issues of environmental protection. The certification procedure by DNV stretched over multiple weeks and was complemented by additional internal audits. These were preceded by a planning and organisational phase of more than a year.
In parallel, the certificates for quality management in accordance with the DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 standard and for conformity with good distribution practice (GDP) were renewed. All standards are monitored annually and are subject to recertification every three years.
First voluntary sustainability report
Even prior to the now completed certification process, GO! had in recent years assumed responsibility and taken measures in various parts of the company to promote environmental protection. In 2023, for the first time, the company also reported on this active environmental as well as social and corporate commitment in a voluntary CSR report that was published last June. In it, GO! summarises its development, its successes up to now and its further goals in the area of sustainability.