GO! once again among "Germany's Best"

When it comes to the production of goods, products or even services the companies do not want to leave it up to chance. Moreover, they are not willing to take risks when it comes down to chosing a partner. When reliability, safety or high quality standards for the availability of goods are essential, they rely on „Deutschlands Beste“ - Germany’s best.
A study by FOCUS MONEY and DEUTSCHLANDTEST has dealt with this question of finding these very companies – the Germany’s best. In order to do so, they gathered and analyzed the data of a Social Listening consisting of ca. 58 million mentions for about 20.000 brands and companies in the timespan from April 15th 2021 until April 15th 2022. During that process, customers‘ reviews from numerous sources on the internet were examined. The companies and brands that score particularly positively in the largest survey of the customers‘ ratings were awarded.
Once more and anew, for the third time consecutively, GO! Express & Logistics is awarded as the „Deutschlands Beste“ in the branch „Post- & Kurierdienste“ among the top eight strongest brands and companies.
For more information regarding the exact process of the Social Listening and how exactly the brands and companies are awarded, please visit: https://deutschlandtest.de/rankings/das-sind-deutschlands-beste-marken, last accessed 16.9.2022, 8.45 a.m.